Friday, July 5, 2013


Zod for me was one of those characters that I knew of-- but not about-- forever. Like many, my first exposure was Terrence Stamp's Zod from the Donner Superman films. When I was 4 or 5, he didn't look scary, so I didn't take him seriously as a threat... to my pre-school mind, he was little more than a mean-looking man who screamed a lot.

Later I researched the character and grew to respect him, and now thanks to Man of Steel, I can honestly say I love him as a villain. The film made him more complex, at first bordering on anti-hero, then a full-on dark, villainous version of our Kryptonian savior... and I love that he's the catalyst for a major, never-before-seen Superman moment.

Zod's finally gotten his due.

Released from his Phantom Zone prison, Zod plots his revenge!

Completed in June 2013, General Zod is a Mattel Zod upper body with Iron Man parts kitbashed on, topped off with a movie Firefly head. It's not 100% on model, but then again, neither was Mattel's! The inner geek is still nit-picky about it, but I'm happy for the most part. I have a feeling, though, that I'll be revisiting the general in the future.

A punch from Zod sends Superman careening into a bank vault

Zod approaches to finish off The Man of Steel

Haven't really considered how Zod factors into my continuity, but he'll probably function very similar to his Man of Steel counterpart: THE Kryptonian military leader/super soldier who wants Kal-El returned, even at the expense of Earth...

Superman has Zod against the wall, Zod pulls a blade!

Superman... lives?

Zod leaves Superman for dead, but hears something; someone. Could it be?

"Can't can't be... I... killed you."

"Nothing can kill me..."

"...But that won't stop me from trying, Kal-El!"

Kal, House of El: Last Kryptonian Standing