Tuesday, March 5, 2013


For a long time, I lumped Captain America in with characters like Superman, whom I considered boring, one-note do-gooders; super-powered cub scouts with nothing better to do than be a better citizen. While I always loved the iconography and his World War II origin, that dopey grin and star-spangled motorcycle made me keep him at arm's length... that was until I read Mark Millar's bad-ass, heart-breaking take on the super soldier who's a man out of time.

An ongoing project dating back to 2012, The Captain was completed in February 2013. His design is almost a direct translation of the character's costume in Captain America: The First Avenger. I'll admit that, when I saw the initial drawings, I wasn't quite sold on the design-- I was expecting something more along the lines of Hitch/Millar's amazing WWII Cap-- once I saw the on-set pictures and saw the suit in action, I fell in love with its utilitarian, military-inspired look.

Cap is built off of one of the new "standard jumpsuit" bodies being put out by Hasbro, now being used on a million different figures, with 25th GI Joe Arctic Snake Eyes legs and kitbashed webgear, topped off with a more screen-accurate Cap head from Hasbro. The shield is from the same figure, with a modded wrist strap on the back.

Now I see Captain America for the bad-ass he is, and include him as a part of my World War II universe/Gotham's Most Wanted, with Captain America serving as a government agent charged with the task of bringing in all vigilantes, including The Batman. Even after a handful of secret missions together, they share an uneasy alliance.

NEXT TIME: More Marvels and Gotham's Most Wanted!