Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Harvey "Two-Face" Dent has always fascinated me, even as a kid. Before his appearance in Batman: The Animated Series, my first exposure to the character was from The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told, a sort of "Greatest Hits" compendium my Mom bought me when Tim Burton's Batman first came out. I even remember thinking how cool it was that Harvey Dent was in the movie, and always wondered what Billy Dee Williams would have done with him, had he been given the chance...

Completed in Summer 2013, his piece was extremely straight-forward-- a Men In Black 3 figure topped off with a third party head, with a paint job inspired by The Animated Series. Harvey's rocked a lot of looks, from gaudy stripes to even worse animal print (*COUGH*BATMANFOREVER*COUGH*). The clean, black-and-white aesthetic was it. 

In the Gotham's Most Wanted universe, Harvey Dent is very much the same flawed, tragic man revealed on The Animated Series and Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy... by far the best treatment of the character so far. I may revisit D.A. Dent in the future, but only to make a direct adaptation of Aaron Ekhart's take from The Dark Knight, probably using the same recipe...