Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Many Gen X-ers have remarked that Star Wars (A New Hope) came out in 1977 at that perfect age in childhood, where it felt all the more real and magical. While I agree about The Holy Trilogy, I also feel this way about The Rocketeer-- I will never forget the year it came out, and saving allowance and report card money to buy anything and everything Rocketeer. Very few characters inspire this kind of devotion in me, but Dave Stevens' remarkable creation has had a hold on me since I locked eyes on it. It has been an inspiration and influence ever since.
Over the past 20 years, I have attempted numerous times to create a Rocketeer. The first one I ever constructed was one of the first toys I ever made; a laughable attempt made from a GI Joe named Drop Zone (http://www.yojoe.com/action/90/dropzone.shtml). I didn't even repaint it. My Dad didn't let me use his model paints until I was older anyhow. I just remember it had a terrible helmet.
Lost count at what number attempt this is at The Rocketeer, but it was constructed primarily in 2010, then picked up again in 2011 and painted. The head and jetpack are from vintage PVC figures I had as a kid, and the body is a GI Joe 25th Anniversary Crimson Guard. Legs from the toy parts Graveyard. The jacket is not 100% on-model, but I've never liked the light brown, so I opted for a more realistic dark leather flight jacket.
Finally happy with this piece... Well, until better, more accurate custom fodder comes along. Been planning to build a Nazi Rocket Trooper for him to fight, but can't decide on a base figure, but it's inevitable.